Privacy Policy - AsanShopping


Privacy Policy

Information about Asan Shopping’s privacy practices is provided in this privacy notice. Our privacy notice only applies to the information we collect on the site.

  • Asan Shopping values your privacy and is committed to safeguarding it. Using the information we collect on this site helps make your shopping experience at Asan Shopping as easy and convenient as possible.
  • No personal information is sold, exchanged, rented, or lent to anyone without a court order.
  • Your information will be used to respond to your inquiries, due to which you reached out to us.
  • Our policy is not to share your information with anyone outside of our company except as needed to fulfill your request, like when you place an order.
  • In the future, we may contact you via email with information about specials, new products, or changes to our privacy policies, unless you tell us not to do so.
  • You can place an order, enter, submit, or access your personal information without having to worry about it being stolen.
  • We implement high security measures to make sure your information is protected.
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